[ANN]AXIS2-0.9 released
Srinath perera
2005-07-05 07:53:08 UTC
The Apache Axis2 Team is pleased to announce the 0.9
release of Apache Axis2.

You can download the releases from:

This Axis2 0.9 release has the following features:

* AXIOM, a SOAP specific streaming XML infoset model for SOAP
1.1/1.2 Messages
* Support for One-Way Messaging and Request Response Messaging
* Modules, mechanism to extend the SOAP Processing Model
* Archives based deployment Model
* WSDL Code Generation Tool for Stub and skeltons based on WSDL 1.1
* XML Beans based data binding support
* Support for WS-Addressing, both the Submission and Final versions
* Client API
* REST Web Service Support
* HTTP transport Support
* SMTP transport Support
* TCP transport Support
* MTOM/SWA attachments support
* SAAJ implementation

If you have a vision of how the next generation of Web services middleware
should be, and like to contribute to Axis2, please join us at
axis-***@ws.apache.org. Any contribution in the form of coding, testing,
submitting improvements to the documentation, and reporting bugs is always

More information about Axis2 is available from the Axis2 home:

-- The Axis2 Development Team
