Axis2C Milestone Release M0.4 Released
Damitha Kumarage
2006-02-17 04:20:01 UTC
Hi All,

The fourth milestone release of Axis2 C, M0.4 has been released and could
be downloaded at


We have done considerable amount of improvements in the past two weeks since
the M0.3 release.
Hence this release.

We have the following features added on top of the M0.3 release

1. Threading support and threaded simple axis server
2. Module loading support
3. Addressing module and addressing based dispatching
4. HTTP chunking support
5. Improved logging mechanism
6. Ability to build and run on Windows platform

By now, we have implemented all the core features except MTOM support.
The following are a list of TODOs to be handled in the next milestone.

1. Comprehensive testing for thread safety
2. Fixing memory leaks
3. Organize the source code and header structure
4. Encoding support with streams
5. Website and documentation

We welcome your early feedback on this implementation.

Best Regards
