Apache soap
Qurratulain Mubarak
2005-02-28 09:14:35 UTC
I was wondering if Apache Soap is a dead project?Since the updates to that project are not recent even. Has it been replaced by Axis?
Scott Nichol
2005-03-01 12:28:56 UTC
For development, it has been superseeded by Axis, which is itself undergoing a re-write to Axis2. Apache SOAP is still supported through mail lists.

Scott Nichol

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Qurratulain Mubarak" <***@newbridges.nl>
To: <soap-***@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 4:14 AM
Subject: Apache soap

I was wondering if Apache Soap is a dead project?Since the updates to that project are not recent even. Has it been replaced by Axis?
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